I warn you that it is still very much a work in progress. We're saving up to decorate it more in a year or two, but we've got the basics for now and we're just grateful to be out of apartment life and into a home of our own. We still need things like window treatments, new paint colors, and new furniture (everything but our bed and bedding is a hand-me-down from someone)! I've been getting asked how things look with furniture in the house, so I have a few pictures of the living room and kitchen areas to show off for now. Nothing from the bedrooms as they are really still a work in progress. Just beds and dressers in there, nothing really. So here's some pictures, enjoy!
Different Views of the Living Room
Our Built-in Shelves and Fireplace Mantel
Our Front Door Entry Area, Swirly Frosted Door Film, and Extended Tilework into Kitchen
Kitchen Nook
Kitchen Artwork from Ikea with frosted glass and herbs/spices (a steal for $10!)
Counters and Appliances
My cute country canisters from Cracker Barrel
Organization table w/ recipe books, coupons, menus, pens, etc.
Kitchen counter with silverware caddy and serving tray
View From Kitchen into Living Room
And just because it was random and I caught it on camera... there is a small object on the outside of our door's window. I opened it up to see what it was (mind you, it was pitch-black outside) and found it was a small green frog with little suction-cup hands. The cats had a lot of fun trying to figure this one out! I turned on the light outside to get a picture of him. Apparently this attracted a lot of bugs (mainly moths) and he scurried up to the top of the door and proceeded to eat them! I guess we can keep this little guy around since he's pulling his own weight! :)
Well, that's it for now. I'll get some more pictures up when I can of the bedrooms. Thanks for looking!
enjoyed looking at all your pics. guess scott keeps the house so clean for you.:)i trained him good, HUH??
aaaahhhh.... thanks! I had finally just quit checking in (kinda like people have done with me blogs - LOL).
Nice to know you guys do still exist here in Alabama - sure do miss seeing you.
oops - "MY" blogs (not me blogs)
Didn't know I was Irish did ya?
Scott does a great job at helping me keep the place clean. And in return, I never go into his room (aka the office). I've been so scared when I have gone in there, I just stopped. I guess that's part of the compromising that goes along with marriage??
And Candace, you do have some Irish in your ancestry according to PaPa! Now you're going to have to Irish up your language some, lassie!
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